import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
6. Two-headed Coin*#
From Unit 3 - twoheaded.m.
Associated lecture videos: Unit 3 lesson 6.
This is a pretty simple one. I’m sure no one needed help redoing this in Python, just including it for the sake of completeness!
Out of N coins only one has two heads. A coin is selected at random from the pile and flipped k times. Heads appears k times in a row. What is the probability that the coin with two heads was selected?
N = 1000000
flips = 40
def prob(k, N):
Calculate probability that we've selected a two-headed coin.
k int: number of flips that come up as heads (consecutively)
N int: number of coins we selected from.
returns: probability at k flips in a row
return 2**k / (2**k + N - 1)
# create a list of probabilities for different values of k
probabilities = [prob(k, N) for k in range(flips)]
# plot using matplotlib
plt.suptitle("Probability that selected coin is two-headed")
plt.title("(given k flips in a row landing on heads)")
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Last updated: Sat Mar 18 2023
Python implementation: CPython
Python version : 3.11.0
IPython version : 8.9.0
matplotlib: 3.6.3