4. Bayes’ Theorem#

Say we have hypothesis \(H_i\) and some data \(D\).

\[P(H_i \mid D) = \frac{P(D \mid H_i)}{P(D)} \times P(H_i)\]

We’ll update the notation in Unit 4 when we start dealing with continuous distributions, but the structure won’t change. \(P(H_i)\) represents the prior probability of \(H_i\). \(P(H_i \mid D)\) the posterior probability, which is the prior updated by \(\frac{P(D \mid H_i)}{P(D)}\).

For now, we can call \(P(D \mid H_i)\) the sampling probability. It contains the observed data, which for the moment can be just a number (later it will be the assumed distribution of that data and we’ll call it a likelihood).

Finally we have \(P(D)\), which is the marginal probability or normalization factor. This is necessary to normalize the updated sampling probability; otherwise, the posterior will not be limited to between 0 and 1.

In Jaynes [2003], Bayes’ theorem is represented a bit differently:

\[P(H_i \mid DX) = \frac{P(D \mid H_i X)}{P(D \mid X)} \times P(H_i \mid X)\]

This is the same thing! The reason he adds the additional \(X\) is to represent the prior information more clearly. Sometimes just representing it as \(P(H_i)\) confuses students because it incorrectly gives the impression that it’s something completely different than the posterior.

The left-hand side … is generally called a ‘posterior probability’, with the same caveat that this means only ‘logically later in the particular chain of inference being made’, and not necessarily ‘later in time’. And again the distinction is conventional, not fundamental; one man’s prior probability is another man’s posterior probability. There is really only one kind of probability; our different names for them refer only to a particular way of organizing a calculation.

Jaynes [2003] p. 89